Always Ready To Roll…
The Harwinton VFD is a a well-equipped department capable of responding within minutes to fires and traffic accidents thanks to the support of the Town of Harwinton and its residents.

The department also assists residents in weather emergencies, especially when electrical wires come down and cellars need to be pumped out.
Ready to roll are the following vehicles:
Engine 1

Engine 1 is a 2001 American LaFrance with a 1,500-gallon-per-minute pump and 1,000 gallon tank.
Engine 2

Engine 2 is a 2011 Sutphen with a 1,500-gallon-per-minute pump and 1,000 gallon tank.
Engine 3

Engine 3 is a 2021 Sutphen Monarch custom pumper, which went into service on March 1, 2022. Its cost was $885,000. It replaced a 1991 American LaFrance. The town paid $795,000 with the department contributing $90,000 that was obtained through fundraising.
Tanker 5

Tanker 5 is a 2006 International with a 2,200 gallon tank.
Brush 4

Brush 4 is a 2013 International with four-wheel-drive and a 200-gallon-per-minute pump.
Utility Vehicle

A John Deere Gator utility vehicle is used for hauling supplies, gear and personnel, primarily to hard to access locations.