The Harwinton Volunteer Fire Department is the Town of Harwinton’s first fire department. While Harwinton was founded in 1737, it wasn’t until 207 years later that the Harwinton Volunteer Fire Department began serving the town’s residents.
The department organized on March 21, 1944 and continues to answer calls. It marks 80 years of service in 2024.
A loud siren atop the firehouse summons firefighters to climb on a truck whenever help is needed. These days, pagers and text messages also call volunteers to serve their neighbors.

Harwinton is located in the northwest corner of Connecticut in picturesque Litchfield County, roughly 25 miles west of Hartford. It covers 31 square miles and has slightly more than 5,400 residents.
Besides serving the town, the Harwinton V.F.D. provides mutual aid to neighboring towns when requested.

The Harwinton V.F.D. holds its monthly meetings at 8 p.m. on the first Monday of every month. The department is always seeking new members who desire to help their neighbors. An application may be picked up at the firehouse. A background check is required.

Harwinton V.F.D. Marches In Town’s Memorial Day Parade
Members of the Harwinton V.F.D. participated in the town’s annual Memorial Day Parade on May 29, 2023. This year’s parade will be held May 26, 2025.


Elderly Horse Falls, Needs Assistance Getting Up

The Harwinton VFD got called on the morning of Sept. 22, 2022 to assist a horse owner at 880 South Road. Diana Bone’s 38-year-old mare “O.T.” had fallen in a rocky, brushy, hillside pasture and couldn’t get back up on her feet.

“I think she got spooked by a coyote (and slipped),” said Bone. It took more than a dozen firefighters to get O.T. upright. The mare then walked up the hill to her barn.

Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast Coming on June 15

Annual Chicken Barbecue will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 9, 2025. It always sells out.

For info on Harwinton VFD events may be found on 2025 Events page.
Fire Police Seeks New Members
The Harwinton Fire Police needs new members to help keep the roads safe at accident scenes and fires. An application may be obtained at the firehouse. A background check and physical are required. Training and equipment are provided by the department. For more information email
For Your Information:
Emergency: Call 9-1-1
Litchfield County Dispatch: For situations requiring non-emergency assistance by the fire department: 860-496-0711.
Firehouse (for non-emergency calls): 860-485-9336. The firehouse is not staffed on a full-time basis.
Chief Bill Buys Jr.: 860-307-2144.
Resident state trooper: 860-485-1421.
Fire Marshal Terry Ferrarotti: 860-485-9051, ext. 1128 or email at

Open Burning:
Opening burning of brush is only allowed in Harwinton from Oct. 1 through May 31. It is prohibited June through September.
A burn permit is required and may be obtained from open burning official Bill Rinko at work (275 Burlington Road). Call: 860-485-9744. A permit application may be printed from the town’s website in advance.